Faculty & Staff Directory
Carissa Nicholson
Adjunct Lecturer
School of Art + Art History/Art History

Dr. Nicholson received her Ph.D. at the University of Florida in the department of Art History. She specializes in the art and archaeology of Classical Greece with a focus on painted pottery. Prior to UF, she received her MA from SUNY Buffalo in Bronze Age Minoan art and her undergraduate degree from Boise State University. She has worked at various archaeological sites around Greece including Gournia on Crete and Olynthus. Dr. Nicholson's research now focuses on representations of the Greek household on painted vases, ancient domestic life, and ancient domestic architecture.

Contact Information
(352) 392-0201
Room #NA
Campus Map
Office Hours
By Appt.
Mailing Address

P.O. Box 115801
Gainesville, Fl 32611-5801