Faculty & Staff Directory
Wendi Decker-Miller
Assistant to the Director
School of Theatre + Dance

Wendi Decker-Miller (she/her, they/them) is the Assistant to the Director of the School of Theatre and Dance. Wendi joyfully and enthusiastically enjoys serving the SoTD students, staff, and faculty. Before SoTD, she worked with the College of Medicine, the UF Center for Leadership and Service and Multicultural and Diversity Affairs, and the College of Engineering. In ancient history she was also a secretary for a local Lutheran church. Wendi completed her first bachelors degree double majoring in Theatre and English at Troy University in Troy, AL. While waiting on her husband to graduate she completed another Bachelors in print journalism and photography. After being a starving artist a few years, she attempted a Masters in counseling from University of the Rockies. Finally, Wendi achieved a BFA in graphic design Savannah College of Art and Design. After working professionally as a designer for a short while she learned that she didn't like hearing clients tell her that white space was wasted space. Not everyone understands the need to edit or the importance of white space. Luckily for everyone, Wendi never attempted a degree that required too much math. She knows all to well how to use a "Keleven" ("a mistake and a Keleven gets you home by 7" - The Office).

The degrees are just the tip of the rabbit holes Wendi has willfully and obsessively dove down. She is a disaster movie devotee, a Mount Everest enthusiast, a cat behavioral bada- which is probably not a word that should be used in a professional setting. Other areas of "expertise" include being an accent and verbal mimic (G-d bless her husband whenever they visit friends in rural Alabama), building Ikea furniture, buying quilting fabric, "knitting" and "crochet", freeform dancing, and Baby Yoda/Grogu - so much Baby Yoda/Grogu. She will build your Ikea furniture for Baby Yoda merch.

Lastly, Wendi always asks if the dog/cat/dinosaur dies in the movie.

"I'm not a jack of all trades; I'm a master of many. I don't feel there is anything I can't do if I want to." - Evel Knievel

Contact Information
McGuire Theatre and Dance Pavilion
Room #214B
Campus Map
Office Hours
Mon - Fri
8am to 5pm
Mailing Address

PO Box 115900
1800 McCarty Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611-590