Faculty & Staff Directory
Angela Jonas
Administrative Support Assistant
School of Music

Angela serves as the executive assistant to Dr. Kevin Orr in the School of Music (SoM). Besides providing administrative support to the director and managing the main office, she oversees recital/concert program production, prepares hiring "paperwork", coordinates details for faculty/staff searches, and serves as the first point of contact by fielding questions about general operations of the SoM. Her many other roles include:

  • managing director schedule
  • coordinating meetings with SoM staff and faculty; assisting with meetings among staff and administrative personnel with the College of the Arts (CotA)
  • taking minutes at faculty meetings
  • making office supplies purchases
  • arranging accommodations for visitors
  • managing catering requests
  • maintaining faculty & staff emergency contact information records
  • supporting promotion and tenure procedures for faculty
  • managing cumulative faculty records
  • tracking administrative and academic deadlines
  • assisting with procedures for requesting travel funds
  • assisting visitors with parking and locating points on campus
  • maintaining photocopier
  • tracking performance events on college website

Angela comes from a family that enjoys a cappella singing and music. Among her favorite genres are opera, folk, bluegrass, and traditional country. She enjoys meeting people from other countries and learning languages. Prior to COVID, she had traveled with a mission team to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where she served in the clinic and pharmacy. She now serves as a volunteer at the Alachua County Jail, teaching Bible classes to women inmates. She enjoys singing, reading, watching recipe videos, cooking, theatre, zoos, nature (especially lakes and mountains), and petting dogs. She also enjoys catching some of the home Gator games--especially women's volleyball and gymnastics! She has worked as an editor, schoolteacher, tutor, calligrapher, and opera singer.

The medallion Angela is wearing was designed by Professor Mihai Ciupe of School of Theatre + Dance.

Contact Information
Room #130
Campus Map
Office Hours
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Mailing Address

435 Newell Drive
Music Building, suite130
Gainesville, FL 32611-1906

On the Web