Faculty & Staff Directory
Kelley C Sams
Courtesy Assistant Professor
Center for Arts, Migration and Entrepreneurship/Arts in Health, Art as Data, Ethnography

Kelley Sams, BFA, MPH, PhD, is Adjunct Faculty at the University of Florida's Center for Arts in Medicine (CAM) and Courtesy Faculty with the Center for Arts Migration and Entrepreneurship (CAME). She is a graduate of UF College of the Arts. Kelley was previously a post-doctoral researcher at the Norbert Elias Center/CNRS/EHESS in Marseille, France and a Fulbright-Hays fellow and Peace Corps volunteer in Niger. As an applied medical anthropologist, her research takes place at the intersection of the social sciences, global health, and the arts. Kelley's recent work engages the arts and other qualitative methods to study the circulation of health communication and data in the US and Sub-Saharan Africa. Her recent publications can be found on Academia and ResearchGate.  

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