Faculty & Staff Directory
Jessica Ward
Fiscal Assistant II
Dean's Office/Business Office, Course Fees/Purchasing

     Jessica Ward is a member of the College of the Arts Business Office staff. Directly after graduating High School she enlisted in the United States Navy. She traveled the world for the 8 years of active duty in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and other campaigns. Taking college courses while deployed she was able to complete several Naval Education Certifications and advanced to a Second Class Petty Officer.

     In December 2007 she was Honorably discharged from the Navy and returned home to Gainesville FL to be with her two children. Returning to Gainesville she worked in the private aviation community as a Flight Coordinator/Crew scheduler and in Private Charter Sales. She came on board with College of the Arts at UF in the Summer of 2010 as Fiscal Assistant II managing Student Fees. When she is not working at UF, Jessica enjoys spending time with her two nearly grown chrildren on day trips around North Central Florida, reading and home remodeling projects. She also participates in local and online LGBTIQA+ support and groups.

She was the 2019-2020 Staff Council Chair. Serving the needs and involvement of all COTA staff.

Contact Information
Remote Office
Room #
Campus Map
Office Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Mailing Address

PO Box 115800
Gainesville, FL 32611