Alexis Kurtzman | College of the Arts | University of Florida
Faculty & Staff Directory
Alexis Kurtzman
WARP/Printmaking Teaching Lab Specialist
School of Art + Art History

(b.1991) Kurtzman is a visual artist, instructor and technician living and working in Gainesville. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Kurtzman holds an MFA from the University of Arkansas School of Art and a BFA from the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University. Her work centers around action mark making, process art, installation, drawing and printmaking. Kurtzman's work has been exhibited in galleries and show spaces nationally and internationally. She has been an artist in residence at the Open Wabi residency in Fredericktown Ohio and the Scoula Internazionale di Grafica in Venice, Italy. She has held faculty and staff positions at Arkansas Tech University, University of Arkansas Fort Smith, East Central College and St. Louis Community College. She also semi-regularly teaches printmaking-centric workshops at nonprofit spaces both in person and virtually. 

Contact Information
Fine Arts Building C and WARPhaus
Room #318
Campus Map
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