Faculty & Staff Directory
Kevin Crum
Assistant Director of Development
Dean's Office

Kevin Crum has held various roles as a secondary and higher education educator. His ability to build strong relationships has assisted the institutions he served achieve historical goals. In his most recent roles, Crum interned with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation, and afterward, Crum served as a (CASE) Resident at the Oregon State University Foundation. In the Fall semester of 2024, Crum will receive official confirmation of his doctorate in higher education leadership. On a personal note, as a single father, Crum's sixteen-year-old daughter has been involved in the visual arts magnet program with Miami-Dade Public Schools, Flordia, since sixth grade. Crum has been a pillar of strength and support for his daughter's artistic talent, which ignited his passion for the arts.

Contact Information
Mailing Address

1389 Stadium Road PO Box 115800 Gainsville, FL 32611