Faculty & Staff Directory
Komal Goswami
Administrative Assistant
School of Art + Art History

Komal Goswami is an Administrative Assistant for the School of Art + Art History (SAAH) within the College of the Arts (COTA) at the University of Florida (UF). She writes the school's e-newsletter, the SA+AH now, and manages their Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Goswami also answers the phone to field general questions about the SAAH and greets visitors at the SAAH administration office, where she makes office supplies purchases, receives and distributes mail, manages the office copiers, tracks the events on all the school's online platforms, coordinates details for faculty/staff searches and travel/budget/finance administration, and she assists with arrangement accommodations for visitors.

Goswami has a Bachelor of Fine Arts specializing in Art + Technology from the SAAH and a minor in Theatre from the School of Theatre + Dance (SOTD) from UF. Outside the SAAH, Goswami is a new media artist who specializes in 3D/CG generation, AI art practices, digital imaging, programming, sound, and video and is also developing an ongoing experimental filmmaking and animation practice. 

She has exhibited her work at the Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention, Moisturizer Gallery, 621 Gallery, among others. She was also a Finalist at the internationally acclaimed 16th Annual Digital Graffiti. Through her time as the President of UF's Digital Arts Media Network, Goswami curated and exhibited new media works in group exhibitions such as World Builders, Inc. at the Gary R. Libby Focus Gallery, LAiZY ((Experiments in ARTificial Intelligence)) at Grinter Hall, 2G00DHOTD@MN.V4 at 4MOST Gallery, and FAC 302: Fall 2022 at Fine Arts C 302. Goswami was a Nominee for the 34th Annual University Student Exhibition at the Atlantic Center for the Arts and a Recipient of the E. Robert Langley Scholarship Fund as well. 

Along with being intrigued by the emerging practices of conceptual notions and installation practices for new media art, the notion of "living ON the hyphen" as well as theatricality and performance continue to be questioned through Goswami's current artistic research. She continues to build her 3D character-based world known as The Hyphenverse, explore more AI art and creative coding practices, and make more video art and sound art.

Contact Information
Room #101
Campus Map
Office Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
On the Web