School of Art + Art History

Art History

Degrees / Ways to Study

Bachelor of Arts in Art History (BA)

The B.A. degree program introduces students to the wide range of artistic styles and periods in the western world as well as art of the non-western world, art historical theory and criticism, and research methodology in the field. Critical thinking, research and writing skills are cultivated in this program, which emphasizes visual literacy, an understanding of history as well as the social forces and cultural ideologies that shape and inform different periods and styles.

Master of Arts in Art History (MA)
degree requirements (36 credits)
Research methods
Art history
Elective credits (9 credits may be in a supporting discipline)
Thesis research
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
degree requirements (90 credits)
Courses in primary area (maximum of 12 credits in any one seminar/course number)
Courses in a secondary area of art history
Courses in related electives or outside minor field

(approved electives by the Director of Graduate Studies in consultation with doctoral supervisor)

Dissertation research and writing (including 3 credits of ARH 7979 to prepare for Qualifying Exams)
30 credits of a master’s degree from UF or another institution will be transferred to a doctoral program. All courses to be transferred must be graduate-level, letter-graded with a grade of B or better and must be demonstrated to relate directly to the degree being sought

Additional language courses – two languages needed, which do not count toward the 90 total required for the degree.

Art History Minor (Minor)

This 18 credit minor acquaints students with art history from both the Western and Non-Western traditions through our three survey courses: ARH2050, ARH2051, and ARH2500.  Students must also take three 3/4000 ARH courses which allow for more intensive study within a particular region and/or time period.

To get started - be sure to take the three survey courses, and get in touch with the advisor in your college for procedural instructions.

Graduate Certificate in Curatorial Studies (Graduate Certificate in Curatorial Studies)

The certificate program requires a total of 12 credit hours. All students take the following two courses, one elective, and complete a 135-hour internship (3 credits):

  • ARH 6481 Topics in Curatorial Studies (3 credits)
  • ARH 5816 Methods of Research and Bibliography (3 credits)
  • Elective from SA+AH Degree Programs (3 credits)
  • ARH 6941 Supervised Internship (3 credits) - Students are encouraged to find an internship appropriate to their skills and interests, and art history faculty will assist when needed. 

Before beginning their internship, students are required to complete a detailed syllabus, signed by their supervisor, outlining the primary duties of the internship, project submission deadlines, and evaluation criteria.

Note for all international students: 
The F1/J1 Visa requires students to be approved before beginning an internship. The formal CPT process is initiated and approved by the University of Florida International Center. (Paid and unpaid/volunteer, part-time and full-time, on-campus and off campus all require approval or discussion with your ISS Advisor to confirm the process.)


1. Art History Seminars, for example:

ARH 6481 Contemporary Art Seminar
ARH 6496 Modern Art
ARH 6477 Eighteenth-Century Art
ARH 6597 African Art Seminar 

2. Museum Studies Seminars, for example:

ARH 6895 Collections Management Seminar
ARH 6836 Exhibitions Seminar
ARH 6797 Museum Education

3. Art Seminars

ART 6933 Area Methods: Rotating Topics

Curatorial studies related topics in the past two years have included:

  • The Future of the Image (Spring 2022)
  • Full Luxury Ai (Fall 2021)
  • Contemporary Curating (Spring 2020)
  • Radical Togetherness: Collective Strategies in Making (Spring 2019)
Art History Courses as a Non-Major

We offer several art history courses at the 2000 level for any UF undergraduate student to take.  Check ISIS and the Office of the Registrar's Schedule of Courses for current listings.  Students may also take art history courses at the 3/4000 level if prerequisites are met, or with specific approval of the instructor.

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