The University of Florida School of Music maintains a number of historic instruments that are available for student use:
Herz Double Harpsichord
Built for the University of Florida by Eric Herz, Boston, in 1967, this concert harpsichord is in the eighteenth-century English/German style. The double manual instrument has pedal register action and a compass of FF-g3. Manual I has three sets of strings: 16', 8', and 4'; Manual II has two 8' sets of strings. The instrument has lute, buff, and inter-manual coupler.
Kingston Single Harpsichords
The SoM has two Kingston Single Harpsichords:
Neupert Double Harpsichord
Recently restored, this harpsichord was built by J.C. Neupert. The instrument was purchased for the Division of Music in the 1950s by Pat Beecher. The instrument has leather plectra, pedal stop controls, and a 16’-8’-8’-4’ disposition.
Hubbard French Double Harpsichord
Donated by Mark Goldstein, Ph.D., this harpsichord was built from a Hubbard kit by master craftsman Ron Weigert. The instrument has three ranks of jacks, three sets of strings (two 8' and one 4'), and one buff stop. The keyboard and lid interior were painted during construction in the manner of Dufour (soundboard) and Vermeer (lid interior).
1863 Chickering Grand
UF's Chickering grand piano is a straight-strung 'angel wing' instrument with rosewood case and 2-pedal action. The piano was built by the Chickering & Sons, Boston, ca. 1863 and was originally sold to J.H. Heidley, Albany, NY, in 1864. The instrument was a gift to UF's School of Music by Dr. and Mrs. John Koogler in 1997.