Leonardo 2019 is a university-wide initiative aimed at highlighting interdisciplinary studies in honor of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death. Leonardo 2019 seeks to inspire a spirit of collaboration across disciplines and continue to generate innovation and excitement on the UF campus.
Creative Collision
(Interdisciplinary Faculty gathering)
Marston Science Library
(March 14, invite only)
Center for Arts in Medicine: Staging Wellness Live Performance & Public Health Festival
(Psychiatry Lecture and Piano Concert by Dr. Richard Kogan)
Curtis M. Phillips Center
(March 19 - 20, 7:30pm)
Da Vinci After Dark
(Celebration of the life of Leonardo with unique activities)
Florida Museum of Natural History
(March 28, 7-9pm)
SciArt Meetup: Da Vinci
(Create art inspired by Florida nature and culture)
Florida Museum of Natural History
(April 16, 6-9pm)
Creative Campus Initiative
(Themed and expanded for the 19-20 academic year)
Second World of Nature
Marston Science Library, 3rd Floor Gallery
(January 17 - March 24)
Pop Microscopy: l’arte al microscopio
(Cells, molecules, organs and tissues—microscopy as art)
Gary R. Libby Gallery
(January 7 - February 15)
Divergent Convergence: The Arts of Creativity, Discovery & Inquiry
(Highlights the role of innovation and imagination in the visual arts)
Harn Museum of Art
(March 31 - July 21)
Art of Inquiry: Juried Exhibition
(Exhibition including established and emerging artists in the Gainesville area)
Harn Museum of Art
(March 5 - July 7)
EGN 1935: Engineering Design and Society
(+Honors Section)
Creative B
(Summer 2019’s Creative B session will highlight the role of flexible inquiry across disciplines)
Florida Museum of Natural History: Creative B Film Series
(Creative B film series with a Leonardo focus)
Bo Diddley
(Guitars and other materials owned/createdBy Gainesville native Bo Diddley, a renowned guitarist, musician, painter, tinkerer and maker)
Smathers Libraries
(April - June)
National Arts & Humanities Month
(October is Arts and Humanities Month. This year’s theme focuses on the future of arts, humanities, and interdisciplinary collaboration)
UF Plaza of the Americas
(October 2019)
Creative Campus Initiative
(Themed and expanded initiatives proposed last Spring begin implementation for 19-20 academic year)
College of the Arts Faculty Show
(College of the Arts faculty work curated around themes of the future of knowledge and flexible inquiry)
Harn Museum of Art
Allison Zuckermann, Magic Carpet Ride
(Exhibition and workshops)
University Gallery/Gary R. Libby Gallery
EGN 1935: Engineering Design and Society
(Honors Section: Leonardo functional prototypes)
EGS 4100/6100: Divergent Thinking
Engineering the Renaissance