Hannah Porter Denecke spent several weeks this summer doing archival research in the New York Public Library's Music Division, exploring the works of Judith Dvorkin, Grace Yeager, Wendy Mae Chambers, and Vincent Persichetti. This research was funded by the School of Music, College of the Arts, and the Office of Research. Denecke stayed at a summer camp in the Ramapo foothills of Bloomingdale, New Jersey at night, and spent her days working in the archives in Manhattan. Because to this learning experience, and she is now prepared to complete her Masters of MuseThesis on Vincent Persichetti's monumental piece, The Creation.
Though this impressive piece of music uses a libretto written entirely by the composer and based on fascinating sources, and is written to be performed for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, there are not published recordings to be found, nor is it performed very often. Denecke hopes to remedy this with her research. Denecke is very grateful for the funding received and the opportunity to explore music that deserves more attention.