In the Loop

Mural Project Launch & Vaccination Event

  • Date & Time
    • Tuesday, March 29, 2022 10:00am to 2:00pm
    • Friday, April 01, 2022 2:00pm to 6:00pm

      Springs Residential Complex

  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    As part of “Work COVID Silly, Gators: A multi-mural, interdisciplinary project to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence amongst students at the University of Florida,” we will have a launch event at each mural site where we will host COVID & Flu vaccinations — this will include COVID boosters, too! These events will be Tuesday, 3/29/22 10am-2pm for Plaza of the Americas, and Friday, 4/1/2022 2-6pm for Springs Residential Complex. Additionally, the artists for the respective murals will be onsite during the event as an opportunity to discuss their work. We hope to see you there, and as always, go Gators!

  • Venue
    Plaza of the Americas
    Room #
    Directly in front of the entrance to Library West
    1545 W University Ave.