In the Loop

Jacaré Brazil Holiday Virtual (Livestream at Heartwood)

  • Date & Time
    • Monday, November 16, 2020 7:00pm to 8:00pm

      The concert is virtual with no live audience.

  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    This is the Jacaré Brazil Holiday Concert at Heartwood Studios in Gainesville, Florida. This live performance features UF faculty and students sharing Brazilian traditional instrumental music (choros, maxixe, samba, música popular brasileira) for the holidays.

    Specializing in the musical traditions of Latin America’s largest nation, UF’s Jacaré Brazil Instrumental (Brazilian music ensemble) is the most diverse performance ensemble of its kind within a university performing arts program. The distinctive mixing of musical instruments such as the violin, clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, piano, cavaquinho (small Brazilian guitar), guitar, and pandeiro (Brazilian tambourine) creates nostalgic sentiments with colorful and brilliant textures. Combining forces of different instrumental pieces and offering contemporary instrumental arrangements, this concert explores the wealth of Brazilian music.

    Listening to this music never fails to enrich one’s life and somehow festively imports a sense of sharing and community. Recapturing our own curiosity, stimulating it, or merely satisfying it is something that challenges us every time we teach and perform. We can say this without any risk of being pretentious because our thirst is not quenched by us, but by the Music of Brazil as a whole.

    Welson Tremura, Director (guitar, bass-clarinet, voice)
    Cody Case, cavaquinho/small guitar
    Silviu Ciulei, guitar
    Aaron Colverson, violin
    José Valentino Ruiz, flute
    Kenneth Metzker, pandeiro
    Pablo Marquine, piano
    Randy Lee, trumpet
    Jemmie Robertson, trombone
    Brian Taylor, clarinet

  • Links
  • Venue
    Room #
    Livestream at Heartwood Studio