In the Loop

In the Know | Tammy Kleinman: Building the Britto Brand

  • Date & Time
    • Thursday, October 20, 2016 5:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    As an art consultant and leader of special commissions for Britto Central, Tammy Kleinman (BAHA '93) is an expert in all aspects of artist Romero Britto. With more than 20 years in the art world, she has helped put the Brazilian artist’s work in more than just art galleries. She has helped build him in to a brand.

    Tammy received her degree in art history and a certificate in museum studies from the University of Florida School of Art + Art History. She began working at the Romero Britto studio right out of college, allowing her to work in all aspects of Britto Central including, the administrative office, publications, wholesale distribution and much more.

    Join us for Tammy’s presentation about learning the business of art and the keys to building your own artist brand. 

  • Venue
    Gary R. Libby University Gallery
    400 SW 13th Street
    Fine Arts Building B (FAB)
    FL 32611
    (352) 273-3000
    Gary R. Libby University Gallery Website