In the Loop
Guest Recital

Distinguished Pianist Series Guest Artist Kenneth Hamilton

  • Date & Time
    • Tuesday, January 21, 2025 12:50pm — through
      Wednesday, January 22, 2025 6:20pm
  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    Renowned pianist and scholar Kenneth Hamilton (Cardiff University in Wales) will showcase a dynamic three-part presentation as part of the UF School of Music's Distinguished Pianist Series: a solo piano recital, a masterclass for UF piano students, and an illuminating lecture. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience one of today's most distinguished pianists in concert and conversation.

    Hamilton is well-known worldwide as a recitalist and recording artist of emotional depth and striking originality. He is a Steinway Artist and professor at Cardiff University in Wales, where he was head of the School of Music from 2014-23. He has been a guest professor at Shanghai, Zhejiang and Xi’an Conservatories; the Central Conservatory (Beijing) and Peking University in China; PGVIM in Thailand; the Franz Liszt Academy in Hungary; the St. Petersburg Conservatory in Russia; and the Royal Academy of Music in the UK.

    Tuesday, January 21, 12:50 pm to 1:40 pm
    Lecture: Chopin, Liszt, and the Art of Piano Prelude

    Tuesday, January 21, 7:20 pm
    Recital: works by Chopin, Liszt, and Ronald Stevenson, and transcriptions by Liszt and Siloti

    Wednesday, January 22, 5:10 pm to 6:40 pm

    All events are free and open to the public and take place in Music Building Room 101.

    This is the first in a Distinguished Pianist Series conceived and curated by piano faculty Dr. Hsiang Tu, and made possible by Rebecca & Richard Howard and other generous supporters.

  • Venue
    Music Building Room 101 (MUB 101)
    435 Newell Dr.
    Music Building Room 101 (MUB 101) Website