In the Loop
Gallery Talk

Brown Bag Lunch with artists Yolanda Sánchez & Fred Snitzer

  • Date & Time
    • Friday, September 16, 2016 12:00pm to 1:00pm
  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    University Galleries invites you to join them for their Brown Bag Lunch series at University Gallery on Friday, September 16, 2016 at 12 pm. The event is free and open the public and will feature talks by artists Yolanda Sánchez and Fred Snitzer. You are welcome to bring your own lunch, cookies and beverages will be provided.

    Gallery Location

    University Gallery is located at the intersection of SW 13th Street and SW 4th Avenue.


    Daytime parking is available in reserved spaces between Fine Arts Building C (FAC) and Inner Road. From SW 13th Street, enter campus on Museum Drive. Turn right on Newell Drive, then right on Inner Road. Turn left into the parking lot behind FAC. The first three spaces on the left are reserved for gallery use. Parking permits are issued to gallery visitors in the University Gallery.

    For More Information

    Call University Gallery at (352) 273-3000.

  • Venue
    Gary R. Libby University Gallery
    400 SW 13th Street
    Fine Arts Building B (FAB)
    FL 32611
    (352) 273-3000
    Gary R. Libby University Gallery Website