Faculty & Staff Directory
Flounder Lee
Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Art + Art History/Studio Art, Time-Based Media, Curatorial Practice

Flounder Lee is an artist/curator and postgraduate researcher in Art & Media at the University of Plymouth, UK pursing his PhD in art and curatorial practice. He received his BFA from the University of Florida and his MFA from California State University Long Beach—both in studio art and photography. His group exhibitions include: Pilgrimages Through the Centuries; LeFevre Gallery, Ohio State University Newark; Ishara: Signs, Symbols, and Shared Languages at Concrete in Dubai; and Tashkent Biennale VIII in Uzbekistan. He’s had solo shows in Serbia, the US, China, and Cambodia.

He has curated many exhbitions, screenings, and performances. He currently runs Pennant Place, an outodoor gallery in Gainesville for hangable art (flags, banners, etc). He has written several essays including for Tribe: Photography and New Media in the Arab World. Several overlapping themes run throughout his work: mapping, science, the future... He is media agnostic, using various media such as photo, video, performance, sound, and installation to create work that touches on these topics.