School of Theatre + Dance

MFA Design and Production


Welcome to the University of Florida School of Theatre and Dance MFA in Design. Graduates are well prepared to engage in the global live entertainment industry. Committed to a foundation of professionalism and collaboration within a climate of diversity, discovery, and risk, the MFA in Scenic, Costume, or Lighting Design program grounds students in fundamental practices through a fusion of education and training. Students across the program are prepared for a wide array of post-graduate opportunities within the live entertainment industry. Across all areas of specialization, students learn collaboration, modes of inquiry, problem-solving, critical thinking, and professional practices.


Graduate students gain valuable education and portfolio building through design work for a robust theatre and dance season.   Priority for design opportunities is given to graduate students. As a student, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with both theatrical directors and dance choreographers. Realized productions prepare students to engage post-graduation in collaborative projects across a broad swath of organizations and as a member of collaborative teams. 


Graduate students have the opportunity to engage in professional internship opportunites as designers and assistant designers across a spectrum of regional theatres with whom the School maintains vibrant relationships. Internship opportunities are limited to second and third year students. 


As a Top Five Research One institution, UF has countless research-based opportunities and educational programs. The School of Theatre and Dance maintains relationships with the Digital Worlds Institute and Themed Environment Integration, and School of Art and Art History to facilitate extended study through these programs. Students also have opportunities to engage in additional research arenas of interest to them with financial opportunities available to support that research. In recent years, this has led to students studying in Puerto Rico and presenting at numerous conferences, most notably the Prague Quadrennial. 


Recruitment in the MFA Design program is selective and offers a graduate assistantship. To begin the process, please reach out to the Graduate Coordinator: Jennifer Dasher, Associate Professor of Costume Design: 

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