Project Description: As an instructor in the Quest 1 initiative CAM Assistant Director, Amy Bucciarelli, was selected to be a Quest Inquiry Scholar for the 2020-2021 year. During this time a small group of Quest faculty has been asked to engage in a cycle of inquiry about "Problems of Practice" in teaching within higher education. Amy is investigating the question: "What does it mean to be a compassionate teacher when teaching a course on compassion?". The project executed the data collection phase during Fall 2020 and will be working to analyze and publish the results in Spring 2021.
Primary Investigator. Nancy Dana, Ph.D, UF School of Teaching and Learning
Secondary Investigator(s). Amy Bucciarelli, MS, ATR-BC, LMHC; UF Center for Arts in Medicine, Kyle Bohunicky. Ph.D; UF Digital Worlds, Vandana Baweja, Ph.D; UF School of Architecture, Andy Wolpert, Ph.D; Department of Classics, James Rigney, Nicolette Corley
Funding Source. Quest Inquiry Scholars Program