Center for Arts in Medicine faculty members are active in clinical, behavioral and social sciences research. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and spans qualitative, quantiatvie and mixed-methods approaches. Our publications include:
Books/Book Chapters:
Bucciarelli, A. (2016). Art therapy & tablet computers. In M. Wood & B. Jacobson (Eds.). Handbook of Art Therapy in Hospice and Bereavement Care: International perspectives on working with individuals, communities, and Nations. Routledge. Manuscript in preparation.
Bucciarelli, A. (2016). The arts therapies: approaches, goals, and integration in arts and health. In S. Clift & P. Camic (Eds.), Oxford textbook of creative arts, health, and wellbeing: international perspectives on practice, policy and research (271-277). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bucciarelli, A. (2007). Normative study of the PPAT assessment on a sample of college students (Master’s thesis). Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Hanna, G., Abramson, R., Blanchard, J., Cleggett, P. Everett, A., Friedman, J., …Rollins, J. (2016). The summit on creativity and aging in America. Washington, DC: National Endowment for the Arts.
Hanna, G., Rollins, J., Sherman, A., & Patterson, M. (2011). National Endowment for the Arts white paper–The arts and human development: Learning across the lifespan. Washington, DC: National Endowment for the Arts.
Hart, R., & Rollins, J. (2011). Therapeutic activities for children and teens coping with health issues. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.Kasule, K. M., Kakinda, K. F., & Sonke, J. (2015). Arts in healthcare in Uganda: an historical, political, and practical case study. Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health, and Wellbeing: International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research (123-128).
Lambert, P., Rollins, J., Sonke, J., Cohen, R. (2015). Introducing the Arts in Healthcare Field. In Lambert, P. D. (Ed.). (2015). Managing Arts Programs in Healthcare. London: Routledge.
Riccio, L., Rollins, J., & Morton, K. (2003). The SAIL effect. Washington, DC: WVSA arts connection.
Riccio, L., Rollins, J., & Riccio, A. (2002). Arts-infused volunteer guide for children in crisis. Washington, DC: WVSA arts connection.
Rollins, J. (2008). Arts for children in hospitals: Helping to put the ‘art’ back in medicine. In B. Warren (Ed.), Using the creative arts in healthcare and therapy (3rd ed.) (181–195). London: Routledge.
Rollins, J. (2009). What a hospital should be. In W. Turgeon (Ed.), Creativity and the child: Interdisciplinary perspectives (201–211). Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press. Available at
Rollins, J. (2013). Arts, health and well-being across the military continuum: White paper and framing a national plan for action. Washington, DC: Americans for the Arts.
Rollins, J. (2013). Bringing the arts to life: A guide to the arts and long-term care. Washington, DC: Global Alliance for Arts & Health.
Rollins, J. (2015). Arts, health, & wellness. In C. Lord (Ed.), Arts & America (79–91). Washington, DC: Americans for the Arts.
Rollins, J. (2015). Bedside arts activities. In P. Dewey (Ed.), Managing arts programs in healthcare. London: Routledge.
Rollins, J. (2015). The arts in pediatric healthcare settings. In P. Dewey (Ed.), Managing arts programs in healthcare. London: Routledge.
Rollins, J., & Riccio, L. (2001). ART is the heART: An arts-in-healthcare program for children and families in home and hospice care. Washington, DC: WVSA arts connection.
Rollins, J., Crane, L., Koff, R., Bieber, L., Winter, F., & Sansom, I. (2011). Arts organizations & public health: Developing relationships and programs to address local health priorities. Washington, DC: Partners for Livable Communities.
State of the Field Committee. (2009). State of the field report: Arts in healthcare 2009. Washington, DC: Society for the Arts in Healthcare.
Sonke, J. (2015). Professionalizing the Arts in Healthcare Field. In Lambert, P. D. (Ed.). (2015). Managing Arts Programs in Healthcare. London: Routledge.
Sonke, J. (2015). Performances in Public Spaces. In Lambert, P. D. (Ed.). (2015). Managing Arts Programs in Healthcare. London: Routledge.
Sonke, J., Brandman, R., Serlin, I., & Graham-Pole, J., (2007) The Arts and Health. Westport: Praeger.
Sonke, J., & Lee, J. (2015). Arts for health in community settings: promising practices for using the arts to enhance wellness, access to healthcare, and health literacy. Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health, and Wellbeing: International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research (103-112).
Sonke, J., Rollins, J., & Graham-Pole, J. (2015). Arts in healthcare settings in the United States. In S. Clift, & P. Camic (Eds.), Oxford textbook of Creative arts, health and well-being: International perspectives on practice, policy and research (113-122). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Journal Articles:
Bucciarelli, A. (in press). Art therapy: A transdisciplinary approach. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association.
Bucciarelli, A. (2011). A normative study of the Person Picking an Apple from a Tree (PPAT) assessment. Art Therapy, 28(1), 31-36.
Ho, R. T. H., Potash, J. S., Fang, F., & Rollins, J. (2015). Art viewing directives in hospital settings effect on mood. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8(3), 30–43.
Rollins, J. (1990). The arts: Helping children cope with hospitalization. NSNA/Imprint, 37(4), 79–83.
Rollins, J. (1993). Medical students as facilitators of the arts for children in hospitals. International Journal of Arts Medicine, 2(1), 7–13.
Rollins, J. (1995). Art: Helping children meet the challenges of hospitalisation. InterACTA, 15(3), 36–41.
Rollins, J. (1997, Winter). The artists of Studio G: Making hospitalisation less stressful for children and their families in Washington DC, USA. Action for Sick Children’s Cascade, 8–9.
Rollins, J. (2005). Tell me about it: Drawing as a communication tool for children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 22(4), 203–221.
Rollins, J. (2009). The influence of two hospitals’ designs and policies on social interaction and privacy as coping factors for children with cancer and their families. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 26(6), 340–353.
Rollins, J. (2011). Arousing curiosity: When hospital art transcends. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 4(3), 72–94.
Rollins, J., Drescher, J., & Kelleher, M. (2011). Exploring the ability of a drawing by proxy intervention to improve quality of life for hospitalized children. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 4(1), 55–69.
Rollins, J., & King, E. (2015). Promoting coping for children of hospitalized service members with combat injuries through creative arts engagement. Arts & Health: An International Journal of Research Policy and Practice, 7(2), 109–122.
Rollins, J., & Riccio, L. (2000). Art with heart. Child Art: The Magazine of the International Child Art Foundation, 3(3), 14–15.
Rollins, J., & Riccio, L. (2002). ART is the heART: A palette of possibilities for hospice care. Pediatric Nursing, 28(4), 355–362.
Sonke, J. (2012). Arts and Creative Engagement: Establishing Arts in Healthcare as a Field of Arts Management. CultureWork, 16(3).
Sonke, J. (2011). Music and the Arts in Health: A Perspective from the Unites States. Music and Arts in Action, 3(2), 2-12.
Sonke, J. (2011). Transforming the Healthcare Experience through the Arts: Book Review, Healthcare Environments Research and Design Journal, 4(3).
Sonke, J., & Pesata, V. (2015). The arts and health messaging: Exploring the evidence and lessons from the 2014 Ebola outbreak. BMJ Outcomes, 1(1), 36-41.
Sonke, J., Pesata, V., Arce, L., Carytsas, F. P., Zemina, K., & Jokisch, C. (2015). The effects of arts-in-medicine programming on the medical-surgical work environment. Arts & health, 7(1), 27-41.
Sonke, J. & Pesata, V. (2014). Arts & Ebola Concept Brief. University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine.
Sonke, Pesata, Nakazibwe, Ssenyonjo, Lloyd, Espino, Nieves, Khandakji, Hahn, & Kerrigan (In Press). The Arts and Health Communication in Uganda: A Light Under the Table. Health Communication.
Sonke, J., Rollins, J., Brandman, R., & Graham-Pole, J. (2009). The state of the arts in healthcare in the United States. Arts in Health: An International Journal of Research, Policy, and Practice, 1(2), 107–135.
Sowalsky, K. L., Sonke, J., Altmann, L., & Hass, C. J. (2014). Dance Alters Subjective And Objective Biomechanical Gait And Balance Measures In Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Study.
Spooner, H. (2016). Embracing a Full Spectrum Definition of Art Therapy. Art Therapy, 33(3), 163-166.
For more research on the arts and health, please see our Arts in Medicine Research Database.