Center for Arts in Medicine

Music in Emergency and Trauma Care Toolkit


Welcome to the Music in Emergency and Trauma Care Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to provide musicians, healthcare administrators and clinicians with guidance for implementing music in emergency and trauma care units. 

The recommendations presented in this toolkit were derived from the provision of live preferential music programming over a four-year period, 2011-2015, in the UF Health Shands Hospital Adult Emergency and Trauma Center, as well as from a phase one clinical trial, which was undertaken in 2014-15. Over the 20-week trial period, six highly trained artists in residence performed preferential music for 1,257 patients and approximately 1,800 patient family members in order to determine the potential effects of music in the emergency and trauma care environment.  Over the four-year period, participating musicians reported on over 5,000 patient interactions.

Please use the links on the left to navigate to the Toolkit.


Toolkit Author: Jill Sonke

Study Investigators: Dr. Adrian Tyndall; Dr. Carmelle Elie; Jill Sonke

Phase One Musicians: Danielle DeCosmo, Ricky Kendall, Michael Claytor, Kelseanne Breder, Jason Hedges, Susanna McConn

Phase Two-Three Musicians: Ricky Kendall, Michael Claytor, Maria Kerrigan, Jason Hedges, Max Helgemo, Lance Howell, Samantha Moss, Alana Jackson, Rebecca Pethes


This study was funded by grants from the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs (phases one and two, 2014-16) and the National Endowment for the Arts (phase three 2016-2018). Additional support has been provided by UF Helth Shands Arts in Medicine and the UF Center for Arts in Medicine. 

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