Ann Lindell is the director of the Architecture and Fine Arts Library, where the museum studies collection is housed. She is the Smathers Library subject specialist for Art Studio, Art Education, Art History, and Museum Studies.
Laurie Taylor is the Senior Director for Library Technology & Digital Strategies at the George A. Smathers Libraries and Chair of the Department of Digital Partnerships & Strategies. She provides leadership for technology and partnerships with the UF Libraries across the university, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
CAME connects a broad network of artists and entrepreneurs within diasporic and migratory communities, supporting a spectrum of creative production and community-responsive programming.
The UF Center for the Humanities provides funding, hosts speakers, and fosters an engaged and passionate environment to further studies of the humanities at UF. They also facilitate a number of working groups and provide graduate student support.
The Smathers Libraries and associated collections represent critical partners and resources for our program. The UF Digital Collection, for example, contains over 78 thousand digitized resources from a variety of disciplines. The libraries have a vibrant exhibitions department that creates exhibits highlighting the collections, which museum studies students often collaborate on.