School of Art + Art History


Ambassador Profiles

New Ambassador | 2024-2025
Valerie Luciow
BFA Art + Art History

Hi!!! I am Valerie, a Senior pursuing a BFA in painting and BA in art history. I love all things about art, from its creation to its study, and also love my hometown, Miami. I aspire to work in a museum and use what I’ve learned here at the SAAH to fuel my artistic and professional development. 

I’ve always felt deeply connected to art and can say that I am extremely pleased that I have pursued a route that I am passionate about for the past three years. I’ve been able to gain incredible work experience here at UF including working as the University Gallery Sitter, interning at the Modern Curatorial department at the Harn, working as a research assistant, and even taking a graduate level curatorial seminar. All that is to say that there is a great range and breadth of opportunities that can be found as a SAAH student. 

I have also deeply enjoyed being in a relatively small school (SAAH) inside of a huge University (UF). Here, there really is a space for everyone, from the student who likes to quietly read at the AFA library cubbies, to the student that goes to every football game, to the student that likes to enjoy nature, and to everyone in between. I’ve loved having my comforting places on campus where I constantly see familiar faces, but also loved being able to explore everything else UF and Gainesville have to offer.

One of the things that has best made me feel connected to the SAAH is the Art History Association (AHA). It has been the best space to meet fellow art history nerds and to encourage lasting connections. Staying connected to former AHA members and ambassadors has made me feel extremely supported navigating things like my career goals, internships, but most importantly, given me a sense of community. Apart from the community aspect, my favorite part of AHA is our annual student- run publication, Dinner and No Show. This publication helps connect art history majors with art majors in order to create a beautiful magazine that spotlights creative talent and writing. I love it because I think it represents so much of what the SAAH stands for, creativity, community, and a drive to work towards the next best thing. 

I am so excited to be a SAAH ambassador this year and am totally open to answering any questions about what to expect as a student here :)

New Ambassador | 2024-2025
Caswell Shamblin
Art History

Hello! My name is Caswell Shamblin, and I am a third-year art history major pursuing a certificate in graphic design! I love the School of Art and Art History for its versatility and allowance of exploration. I have enjoyed researching for the school though the Undergraduate Research Department, as well as writing for the Art History Association’s Dinner + No Show Publication. I am so excited for the year ahead of us in the SA+AH!  

New Ambassador | 2024-2025
Jonathan Hunter
Art History

Hi! My name is Jonathan Hunter. I’m a third year Art History major with minors in Asian Studies and Classical Studies. Along with being an ambassador, I am also the co-vice president of AHA (which you should totally join!) and the vice president of UF Quiz Bowl. I’m super excited to be able to be a part of this program and this college!

I grew up about 40 minutes north of Gainesville, so UF was always my first choice of college,but art history didn’t enter the picture until right before I got accepted to UF. I spent most of high school generally unsure of what I wanted to go to college for, but in my senior year I took AP Art History and immediately knew that I wanted to study this further in college. As I became more interested in art from antiquity, I decided to start the Classical Studies minor, and the Asian Studies minor reflects my interest in specifically Japanese culture. Someone else to talk to about the Classical Studies minor that isn’t me is former ambassador Mariana Garcia, who actually encouraged me to go after this minor, so definitely check her profile on this page and get in contact with her if you want to hear from someone who has completed the minor!

Outside of the classroom setting, my hobbies include watching movies (like, a LOT of movies), exercising, and, more recently, learning new languages. In the way of advice, as basic and cliche as it may sound, truly the best thing you can do for yourself in college is to put yourself out there, talk to people, get involved, and don’t be afraid to be who you want to be. College very much is what you make of it, thus, you have to go and make something out of it for yourself. Don’t let that last part intimidate you though, as there will be so many people who can and will help you, like the amazing community in the SA+AH! This community has been so wonderful to be a part of, and has given me so many friendships and opportunities that have been such a large part of my experience at the University of Florida.

If you have any questions about anything here, the SA+AH in general, or you just want to chat,
feel free to contact me at or on Instagram (@hunterjonathan679).

New Ambassador | 2024-2025
Oskar Garcia
Graphic Design

Hi there! My name is Oskar Garcia, I’m a third-year graphic design major from Weston Florida. Along with my interest in design, I also enjoy birdwatching and photography. I am an avid bird enthusiast and will always have a bird somewhere on my clothing. I will talk your ear off about birds and other wildlife, and I can recommend some good hiking spots.

I was accepted through The PaCE program and while I was initially hesitant, my advisors and the ambassadors swiftly cleared up the questions I had. In the PaCE program, I adapted quickly and enjoyed the flexibility it gave me; ultimately, it was a positive learning experience.

I was drawn to UF because of the familiarity I felt during my tour. For such a big college UF’s College of the Arts has a great sense of community. The ambassadors who gave me my tour left an amazing impression that convinced me that UF was the college for me. Moving away and starting college is a huge change, and I hope to encourage that sense of comfort and belonging that the ambassadors provided during my tour and early college experience.

I look forward to working with SA+AH and contributing to our awesome community. Feel free to contact me through email at: 
You can also contact me in Spanish as it is my second language.

New Ambassador | 2024-2025
Britnee Lynch
Art History

Hi everyone, my name is Britnee and I am a third-year Art History major with a minor in Education Studies and a Certificate in Visual Arts in Medicine from Pembroke Pines, Florida. I’m so excited to be one of your SA+AH ambassadors this year!

Being a part of the SA+AH family has given me the opportunity to continue pursue my passion for the arts in new, innovative ways that have assisted me in my journey to becoming a museum curator. The arts have been a large part of my life for a very long time from ballet and tap lessons when I was younger to visiting museums around the world. Because of all the time I spent around the arts, I knew my future would continue to follow the same theme. Deciding to come to UF was a big decision for me because I am a first-generation student so a large part of my experience has been learning how to adjust to campus, college life, and how to start making those important lifelong connections. In my time at SA+AH, I have discovered how much of a welcoming and open community exists within this school.

I would love to hear from you so please feel free to reach out to me either through email at or Instagram: @its.britnee_

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Brelynn Jones
Graphic Design

Hello! My name is Brelynn and I’m a third year student in the BFA Graphic Design Program. I’m pursuing a minor in Mass Communications and African American Studies and some of my hobbies include going to concerts, thrifting, traveling, and crochet. I love plants, sushi, and my pup named Pepper! I’m so excited to be a part of the SA+AH Program! 

A little about me, I was born in Cleveland Ohio, but mainly grew up in Broward, FL. Growing up I was an extremely creative person, from dance to visual arts, I loved exploring new ways to express myself. Never taking an actual art class, I was hesitant about attending art school, but I was wonderfully impressed with how knowledgeable and welcoming students, professors, and staff are at the School of Art + Art History. I was no longer scared to ask for help when needed, and quickly made some of my closest friends. I am thankful for UF and the SA+AH for giving me the opportunity to continue expanding my artistic mindset and make the best college memories. Beyond the SA+AH, I’ve found community through many organizations such as BSU, Gator Chapter of the NAACP, STAAR, and PAACT which completes my new found home at UF. Feel free to reach out and say hi, my email is and my ig is @brelynnjoness

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Carol Velandia
Art History + Political Science

Hi all! I’m Carol, a second year Art History and Political Science major from Miami. I’ve always had an affinity for the arts, and I am so happy I am able to pursue my passion at SA+AH!

Apart from academics, I am a huge Wes Anderson fan and enjoy drawing and listening to Gorillaz in my free time. I also love to cook and bake, so if you’re ever in need of new recipes, you’re more than welcome to reach out! 

My experience at SA+AH made me grateful and confident in my studies in my first year. This community is a hearth of boundless support and kindness, full of inspiring peers, professors, and opportunities. As SA+AH welcomed me with open arms, I cannot wait to provide that same sense of comfort and guidance to you all and make you feel at home. 

If you ever need academic advice or top-tier food recommendations around Gainesville, don’t hesitate to email me at 

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Dylan Reed

Hi! My name is Dylan. I’m a third year Fine Arts major pursuing a BFA in Fine Arts with a focus on Art and Technology, as well as a certificate in Ceramics. I have a deep interest in the artistic process, and enjoy working with many mediums and disciplines, such as: painting, throwing pottery, sculpture, airbrushing, digital media, etc.  

I’m incredibly excited to be a part of the SA+AH ambassador program, as the COTA faculty have been so helpful in my journey as an artist. I spent my first two years at UF majoring in Graphic Design, and when I realized that I wanted to switch my major, my advisors and professors were so understanding and helpful, and provided a smooth and uncomplicated transition to a major that better fit my interests and goals. It’s clear that the priority of SA+AH is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for students to grow and thrive as artists and people. I’m excited for the opportunity to contribute to such a positive environment. 

When I’m not working on art, you can find me at the climbing gym, reading, listening to music, or spending time with my lovely friends. The advice I have is don’t be afraid to ask questions! The SA+AH faculty is here to help you through your artistic and scholastic journey and are more than happy to assist in any way with inquiries or concerns. If you have any questions or simply want to say hi please feel free to reach out to me through either email ( or on Instagram (@dreed.png)! 

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Emma Hayakawa
Graphic Design

Hi! My name is Emma Hayakawa, and I am a third-year Graphic Design major originally from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. I am excited to be a SA+AH ambassador and to introduce you to our wonderful community! 

Originally, I was accepted into UF through the PaCE program. I was initially hesitant and unsure as to what this entailed. So, I decided to join a meeting with some SA+AH ambassadors to learn more. Hearing the experiences of the ambassadors made me want to be a part of the SA+AH community. Through the School of Art and Art History’s tight-knit community I have made life-long friends and developed key technical skills but also been able to discover what makes me passionate about my work. 

Outside of my studies, I have found ways to become involved in my community. I have found opportunities in various organizations to do graphic design and other creative work. In my free time, I enjoy reading, cooking, and studying Japanese. If you have any questions or are just curious about the SA+AH community, please feel free to reach out at!

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Makena Vargo

Hi there! My name is Makena Vargo, and I am a third year student in SA+AH. I am a Studio Art major on my way to getting my Bachelor of Fine Arts. I live in Lighthouse Point, Florida, which is a small city near Fort Lauderdale. Currently my favorite medium is sculpture; however, I also enjoy painting, drawing, and ceramics. 

My time in SA+AH so far has been a significant part of my experience at UF. I have already learned many things from my studios and professors. I have also made numerous friends through group projects and in and out of class. While growing up, art went from a hobby, to a passion, onto a career choice. Art has almost always been a part of my life (fun fact- my first painting class was when I was 6). I am so happy that I have found a place where I can further develop and hone my skills. I have really enjoyed my experience in SA+AH so far, and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. 

My other interests are ice skating, reading, creating costumes, and getting boba with friends. Advice I have is to put yourself out there and take advantage of everything UF and SA+AH has to offer. Feel free to say hi or email me at if you have any questions or just want to chat!

Returning Ambassador | 2024-2025
Angelina Rubalcava
Graphic Design

Hi everyone! My name is Angelina Rubalcava, but please call me Angie! I’m a third-year Graphic Design major from Miami also pursuing a ceramics certificate and mass communications minor. In the future, I hope to use my skills built at the SA+AH to become part of a marketing design team while continuing to pursue and work in the fine arts (specifically ceramics and sculpture) in my free time!

Funnily enough, I always knew since very young that I wanted to pursue the arts and specifically graphic design; however, what plagued me in high school was whether or not I wanted to go to college to accomplish this dream. Luckily, I still applied to a few colleges and even more gratefully I was accepted into this wonderful arts program here at UF. I fell in love with the SA+AH and its community very quickly and unexpectedly found myself becoming more driven and involved as an artist and UF student. The SA+AH has given me the opportunity to explore mediums I had never touched, make meaningful connections with my peers, and teach me valuable skills to become a better artist, student, and person overall. I am proud to be a part of this community and serve as an Ambassador for those looking to join it!

When I’m not art making, I enjoy exploring nature, seeing friends, and trying out new places in Gainesville! I’m big on baking, so please ask me for local bakery/food suggestions (I have a long list) :)

Former Ambassador
Mariana Garcia
Art History

Hi all! my name is Mariana, I am a fourth-year student from Cali, Colombia pursuing a major in Art History and a minor in Classical Studies. I am also representing the School of the Arts as an Undergraduate Researcher in the 2023-24 cohort. I am delighted to engage with you all as an ambassador for the SA+AH this upcoming year. 

If I am not in class or at work, you can most likely find me listening to sad music or my favorite film scores, playing the aforementioned songs on the piano, or thrifting! If you’d like to connect, please reach out at or dm me on ig to be mutuals! @marianamikaela_ 

(please let me know what sad songs you enjoy for a good cry, my go-to artists are matt maltese and phoebe bridgers.)

I look forward to helping you navigate the university system by connecting you with opportunities for academic development and finding ways to pursue your interests and passions within the many platforms offered at UF's School of the Arts. I have been pleasantly surprised by the department's engagement with the art culture in Gainesville, whether it is through events sponsored by the Harn or exhibits in the Libby galleries, our faculty works diligently to connect the student body with the local art community. 

I am here to help in any way! If what you need is a friend to talk to or someone that can sit and listen after a difficult week, I look forward to offering a friendly hand :)

Former Ambassador
Jeneice Ware
BFA Painting

Heyy! My name is Jeneice and I am a fourth year BFA painting major on the Pre-Health track, here at UF! I am a native Floridian - originally from Orlando, FL - but I enthusiastically claim my Jamaican heritage, so I like to say I’m Jamerican. I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember - from adolescence to young adulthood - and my passion for the medium has only grown over the years. While I do enjoy science (anatomy, biology, psychology, etc.), the pressure to pursue a career in the medical field due to the plethora of women in my family doing the same, became suffocating. My interest in the facets of the art world couldn’t be quelled, but the uncertainty I felt on whether it should remain a hobby or be a serious endeavor was just as relentless. After several breakdowns and way too many stem classes (that crippled my self-esteem), I had to be honest with myself: artistic creation was what truly made me happy. I mean, if I was going to pull all-nighters, study hard, and practically slave over my work in my college career, the fuss might as well be over something I actually like! The School of Art & Art History soon became the place that would help me actualize my goals, and accept who I am - my dreams and aspirations included. 

Though, admittedly, UF was not my first school of choice, my time here in the School of Art & Art history has continued to prove that it was the best decision. I’ve met so many different types of creative people, and formed bonds that have made the anxiety and uncertainty bearable. I’ve also been able to stroke my curiosity and interest in so many different art mediums including painting (my ultimate fave), installation, sculpture (woodworking!), animation, and even AI. Before coming here, I had only scratched the surface of the endless possibilities that the art world has to offer. Now, I have not only the knowledge and resources I need to explore my fascinations, but a community that enjoys and loves artmaking as much as I do. I may feel alone (in terms of my career path) in my family, but I don’t feel as alone here, in SA+AH. 

I am extremely honored to be chosen as an ambassador, and I am very excited to give back to the art community that’s helped me become the artist I am today. Usually, I shy away from big responsibilities because of my own insecurities and shortcomings. However, I think it’s high time I work through my fears instead of run away from them. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only better myself, but help other artistically inclined students find where they belong, and what’s unique to them. I particularly want to help SA+AH become more diverse, as I want other black students to creatively flourish, and know that they do have a rightful place here. Besides painting, I enjoy fashion, sewing, music (Kpop, and R&B), anime, and watching Kdramas! If you ever need help, advice/guidance, answers to questions, or just want to chill/hang out, don’t hesitate to holler at me! My email is I can’t wait to meet you all! Good luck on your artistic journeys!

Former Ambassador
Maria Raya Contreras
BFA Art with Focus on Painting

Hi! I’m María and I am a fourth year painting major and women’s studies minor from Madrid, Spain! I’ve always known I wanted to pursue studio art but didn’t want to feel restricted to just one medium. This is why I love that through the SA+AH I’ve been able to focus on painting while getting to explore many other interdisciplinary practices. In the last two years I’ve had the opportunity to play around with developing film, wheel throwing and printmaking– skills I love and incorporate in my practice today.

I especially love being part of the SA+AH community in a city like Gainesville, which has an amazing art and music scene full of very talented people. When I’m not in the studio, you can find me listening to music, hanging out at a coffee shop, or playing with my cat Monday. You can reach me at or @mariac0ntilde on ig for any questions or if you just want to say hello:)

Former Ambassador
Madison Rassbach
Graphic Design

Hi there! My name is Madison Rassbach, and I am fourth year Graphic Design major with a minor in Mass Communications. My dream job post-graduation is to work in-house for a large company in the beauty industry where I can combine my interests in branding, creative marketing, and typography.

The School of Art + Art History has allowed me to be a part of a unique, tight-knit community, where I have had the pleasure of meeting my closest friends. The structure of the Graphic Design program has given me the opportunity to explore other areas of art outside of design. I have grown to love ceramics, drawing, and painting because of the many interesting classes that I had the chance to take.

Some of my most rewarding experiences in the SA+AH have been in voxGraphis, the on-campus graphic design club. In this club, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to talented designers in the field, take a professional development trip to Nashville, and learn from upperclassmen in the program. This upcoming year, I will be taking on the role of President of voxGraphis.

In my spare time, I enjoy scrapbooking, listening to 60s and 70s rock music, attending cycling classes, and baking cookies. I am excited to share my love for art and the SA+AH community as an ambassador this year! Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or want to chat.

Former Ambassador
Laura Mullowney
BA Art/Visual Art Studies

Hi! I’m Laurie and I am a fourth year Visual Studies major pursuing both an Art History and Mass Communications minor! I’m planning to pursue a career in gallery and exhibition management and love the conversations and growth that exhibitions spaces encourage. Other passions of mine include singing, thrifting, and biking!

The School of Art and Art History at UF has not only given me a place to not only express my creativity and artistic motivations but also a place to grow into myself in terms of self-expression. I have always been encouraged to take risks and stand behind decisions I make which is so gratifying as a young artist. It is amazing to be surrounded by so many creative people all pursing multiple passions going in all different directions. SA+AH has made a huge campus feel so comfortable and I could not see myself in any other major or at any other school. I can’t wait to help everyone feel as welcome and inspired here as I do. Please reach out with any questions/advice/anything!

Former Ambassador
Brittain Rainville
Graphic Design

Hi! My name is Brittain Rainville, and I am a senior Graphic Design major! I’m from Winter Garden, Florida, a small historic town right next to Orlando. Art and design have always been a big part of my life, and I am so happy to be an SA+AH ambassador!

I started college in 2020 (in the midst of the pandemic), and one of the things I was most worried about was making friends and finding a community—which was hard to do during that time. But I can assure you that if you’re looking for your besties, there is no shortage here. The SA+AH has helped me grow to become a better artist and has given me lasting connections and friendships.

One of my favorite things about the SA+AH is that you get all the benefits of attending a small school—you are part of a close, intimate community with interesting and friendly people—along with all the benefits of attending a big university. The SA+AH has such a great and welcoming community, and I love being a part of it.

When I am not designing, you can find me printmaking, painting, cooking, baking or sewing! One of my goals this year is to make the perfect loaf of sourdough bread. I am also the president of the printmaking club, Alagarto Printmakers and secretary of the graphic design club, Vox Graphis. So if you’d like to get to know me and printmaking or graphic design a little more, stop by one of our meetings! We would love to have you.

I am so happy to have the chance to share my love for art, the SA+AH and our community. If you have any questions or are looking for a connection in the art school, please feel free to contact me! My email is and my art Instagram is @brittainontheinternet.

l, please feel free to contact me! My email is and my art Instagram is @brittainontheinternet.

Former Ambassador
Evan Asuncion
Art History + Economics

Hi everyone! My name is Evan Asuncion and I’m from Jacksonville, Florida. I am second-year pre-law student pursing a dual degree in art history and economics. I am extremely excited to be an SA+AH ambassador this year because I know that I will be representing the best program at this university!

I knew I wanted to study art history before college, and I am very glad that I pursued something that I love. I love all types of art but some of my favorite artists would have to be Cindy Sherman, Claude Monet, and Thomas Cole. When I am not in class or the library (btw… Smathers is the best), you can find me exploring the many nature trails that Gainesville has to offer, eating food, running, and hanging out with my friends!

I have taken art history courses, economics courses, and philosophy courses here at UF! If you have any questions about life as an art history student, my experiences, or how to get more involved on campus, please feel free to email me at

Former Ambassador
Ella Terran
Graphic Design

Hello everyone! My name is Ella Terran and I am a fourth year Graphic Design major pursuing a minor in Mass Communications. I am most recently from South Florida but have lived in 5 other states. Although I moved a lot growing up, art and design have been a constant part of my life. 

I originally intended to major in Marketing, but with the help of our advising team and the amazing SA+AH ambassadors, I was able to confidently switch to the art school during my preview orientation! I was nervous for classes to start because the thought of them intimidated me, but I now call the SA+AH my second home. I was welcomed with open arms and discovered that graphic design is my true calling.

Outside of school, you can find me sewing bucket hats, curating playlists, or attempting to cook. If you have any questions about graphic design, switching your major, or just want to talk, feel free to email me at I am so excited to be an ambassador this year and I’d love to hear from you :)

Former Ambassador
Alicia Steffy
BA Art with Art Education Certificate

Hi! My name is Alicia Steffy and I am a fourth year from Orlando, pursuing a major in Art Education as well as minors in Art History and Education Studies. I am so excited to be an ambassador for SA+AH and to share my love for all we have to offer. 

When I first got to UF, I was uncertain of what career I wanted to pursue, and I feel so lucky that SA+AH offered me many paths and options. I discovered we had a major that would allow me to pursue a B.A. degree while also pursuing a certificate in Art Education. This way, I was able to continue taking studios and developing my practice while becoming certified to teach what I love. This has opened so many doors for me and has given me the best college experience I could ask for. I have learned my favorite medium is ceramics, and I love to throw pottery. I have been able to meet people with the same passions as me, and I have made some of the best friendships in the SA+AH. I even found my roommates through WARP!

When I’m not doing art you can find me struggling through psych classes, reading (my fave book is Pride and Prejudice btw), or hanging out with friends. I have a two year old cat named Pluto who has thumbs and is an angel. I love being outside, going to the beach, and finding new places to thrift or eat around Gainesville. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or just want a new friend!

Former Ambassador
Tayler Ford
BA Art + Graphic Design Certificate

Hi! I’m Tayler, a fourth-year art major pursuing a certificate in graphic design and a minor in mass communications.

I’m originally from Ft. Lauderdale FL and like many, I came into college undecided on what I wanted to do at UF. I hadn’t felt a true sense of passion or community until I transferred into the art school my sophomore year. This was a daunting decision as I had never made art in high school, and I didn’t know what to expect. All anxieties were eased in the abundance of openness and guidance from the SA+AH and fellow students. 

Now, artmaking has become a necessity in my life and has introduced me to the most inspiring ideas and individuals. The SA+AH is a space of acceptance, experimentation and growth and I hope to contribute to this community as a source of support and a friendly face. I’m ecstatic to work alongside students, faculty, and administrators in fostering creativity, engaging in meaningful conversation, and bringing together such unique identities. 

Outside of the studio I frequent coffee shops and thrift stores (probably more than I should). I also love reading, museums, watching movies (my go to is pride and prejudice), and yoga. Please don’t hesitate to reach out ( if you have any questions or simply want to talk! 

Former Ambassador
Leah Harrell
Art History + Anthropology

Hi! I’m Leah and I’m from Brandon, Florida.  This will be my fourth year at UF (which I cannot believe) and my third year as an SA+AH ambassador.  I’m pursuing a dual degree in art history and anthropology.  I knew I wanted to study art history before I got to college and later decided to combine it with anthropology, which has allowed me to combine all my interests, such as archaeology and biological anthropology.  

At school, I’ve volunteered at the Florida Museum of Natural History and have interned at the Harn Museum of Art; this past spring semester, I was the Modern Curatorial Intern there.  In my free time, I love exploring the different parks around Gainesville, collecting old books, and pretending I can surf. 

UF isn't where I thought I would end up, so I was initially worried about how I would fit in on such a large campus. The SA+AH ended up giving me a community where I feel completely at home.  I want to make sure everyone feels the same way here too.  

Former Ambassador
Allison Berkner
BFA Art + Graphic Design Certificate

Hey y’all! My name is Allison Berkner, I’m a third year, and I’m from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I am getting my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and pursuing a Graphic Design Certificate. I am so thrilled to be a SA+AH ambassador this year as I’ve been in love with the school ever since I toured!

Over my college experience, I have truly found a home in SA+AH with the students, professors, and the classes. I couldn’t imagine myself spending my UF career anywhere else. SA+AH has pushed me to be a better artist through its curriculum, and I appreciate how it has shaped me into the person I’ve become today. While I’m not in the studio, you can find me listening to music, playing guitar, thrifting, and trying out all the local sweet spots in Gainesville, whether that’s restaurants, shops, or farmer’s markets (I also love the beach but we don’t have that here, unfortunately).

Being an ambassador is a huge honor to me because I remember being a first year and being so worried about coming to a new place. I want to be that person for someone to make sure they feel welcomed. Please reach out if you have any questions or wanna catch up and say hello! I love meeting new people (fun fact I am a 2021 Preview staffer)! Here is my email:

Former Ambassador
Marne Quigg
BA Art + Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Hi everyone! I’m Marne (pronounced mar-nay) and I’m from Titusville, Florida. I am currently a third-year dual majoring in Art as well as Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. My preferred medium is ceramics, but I love exploring new art styles and techniques. 

When I came to UF, I couldn’t decide what to study. I was torn between pursuing something artistic and something environmentally focused. At Preview, one of the professors told me I could do both! After sitting down with the lovely representatives from the SA+AH, I knew I made the right choice. I’m leaning toward a career in conservation biology, but I will never stop using art as a creative outlet. If you have any questions about what it’s like as a dual major, my experiences, need someone to talk to, or want to be friends please send me an email at, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Outside of school, you can find me working at the Arts and Crafts Center in the Reitz Union, going to Disney, finding the best local food spots, hiking, kayaking, and swimming in springs! I recently discovered a passion for wildlife and outdoor photography, and try to take advantage of my free time to explore the parks in and around Gainesville. I also love to read and recently developed an obsession with indoor plants. Again, please reach out to me with any questions or if you just want to chat, I love meeting new people!

Former Ambassador
Ellie Ngo
Art History + Chemistry

Hello! My name is Ellie, I’m from St. Petersburg, Florida, and I’m a junior here at UF doing a dual degree in Art History and Chemistry because I’m planning on pursuing a career in art conservation and restoration.

When I came to UF I was very unsure of myself and also very wary about becoming an art history major because I had just come to the realization that I did not want to be pre-med, and I had no idea what direction I wanted to go in afterwards. But becoming an art history major was hands down the best decision I could have made. I have always had an interest in art history, but with the amazing art history classes and professors here at UF, it quickly became my love. Additionally, everything you might have heard about the SA+AH community is true. It is a group of amazing and supportive people, and I’m very excited to contribute what I can through this role!

If you have any questions or concerns, or even if you just want someone to talk through something with you, I would be more than happy to help, you can reach me at Wishing you guys all the best on your college journey!

Former Ambassador
Tabitha Cherubin
Visual Art Studies + Sociology

Hi all! My name is Tabitha Cherubin, and I am a fourth-year Art and Sociology Major from Miami, Florida. I am so excited to enter my senior year as a returning ambassador and build community with those in the SA + AH. 

Growing up, art was more than just a creative outlet, it was a way to tell compelling stories. As a result, art has taught me about the power of storytelling and the ability to create work that allows us to share new perspectives about the world around us. Since the beginning of my freshman year, the SA + AH has been one of the places that I am most comfortable in and has enabled me to grow as an artist. Now entering my fourth year at UF, I hope to take advantage of all the opportunities that come before me. I hope to learn and unlearn the world around me and lean into the power of art in creating community, building conversations, and allowing our collective identities to grow and expand.

As an Art Ambassador, I hope to inspire incoming students to lean into their uniqueness, individuality, and creativity! 

Former Ambassador
Mia Fisher
Graphic Design + Minor in English

Hi!! My name is Mia Fisher and I’m a third year from Sarasota, Florida. I’m a Graphic Design major who was just admitted to the program, and I plan on minoring in English. Growing up, I was always very in touch with my creative side, but throughout high school I was very unsure of what I wanted to be when I was older, as most are, and I was especially unsure about venturing into art. Even once I chose my major and came to UF, I was unsure! The School of Art and Art History and its people opened my eyes to the possibilities that a life full of art offers you, and it’s only been two years! Now more than ever, I’m sure of which path I want to take towards my future.

I also feel it’s important to mention that I was admitted to UF through the PACE Program. At first, I didn’t know what to think, after all, I barely knew what PACE even was. It turns out all I needed was to come see the SAAH and hear from its people myself. I took a tour, asked countless questions, and by the end of the day I felt confident and beyond excited to be not only a UF student, but also a student of the School of Art and Art History.

Some additional facts about me are: I absolutely love to read, my go-to place is the beach, and my dream is to work for Disney someday! Please reach out to if you have any questions or just want to talk; I’m always ready to listen!

Former Ambassador
Valerie Muzondi
Graphic Design + Minor in Mass Communications

Hi! My name is Valerie Muzondi and I’m a fourth year Graphic Design major with a minor in Mass Communications from Jacksonville, FL. I’ve always had an interest in art since I was very young (I wanted to be a fashion designer), but it wasn’t until my last 2 years of high school when I discovered my love for graphic design and photography! Coming to UF was very nerve-racking, but the School of Art + Art History was very welcoming and the community atmosphere made me want to be a part of it! The SA+AH gave me many opportunities to explore so many different art forms. I’ve gained many valuable skills that I will take with me for the rest of my career. I’ve met so many inspiring people, both students, professors, and visitors alike, through the School of Art + Art History, and I am truly proud to serve as an Ambassador!

When I’m not in class, I am usually online window shopping, in line at Starbucks, or chilling in the Institute of Black Culture (IBC) with my friends. I am very interested in fashion, sustainability, and magazines as well. 

Former Ambassador
Carolyn Lightsey
Art History + Minors in Economics and German

Hello! My name is Carolyn, and I am a fourth-year Art History major, also minoring in Economics and German. As a long-time art lover, I started college as a Visual Art Studies major but through my classes found that I had a passion for art history. Even though I grew up in a family of Gators, I wasn’t quite sure UF was the school for me. But, being a part of the School of Art + Art History has given me such a supportive and friendly academic community, I couldn’t imagine myself studying anywhere else.  

When I’m not in class, I volunteer at the Harn art museum on campus. I love traveling and try to go to at least one art museum in every city I visit. I spend my free time cooking, watching stand-up comedy, and surfing. 

Former Ambassador
Jul Jankowski

Hi all! My name is Jul Jankowski and I’m from Islamorada, FL. If you don't know where that is just think Key West and go a little north lol. This is my final year wrapping up my BFA with a ~big~ focus on painting. It feels pretty crazy to think I’ll be graduating in May…but I know there’s MUCH more to do and see this year. I am also a second year ambassador—and here for you! 

I was also accepted to UF through the PaCE program back in 1907, just kidding 2018, but it feels like forever ago. I think that’s because the mindset I came into UF with—feeling isolated and scared that PaCE would hinder my university experience, feels so far away to me now. I am so glad that those fears never became a reality, and if any of you are like me then now, I would love to speak with you about how normal and great PaCE as an art student can really be. 

When I’m not in my lil’ studio painting, I’m probably riding my bike around town, rollerblading, en route to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, or hangin’ with my friends.

Former Ambassador
Kaila Gumbs
Art + Technology

Hi everyone! I’m Kaila Gumbs, my pronouns are they/them and she/her and I’m a fourth year Art + Technology major! I love all forms of storytelling, but my absolute favorite is 2D animation. Through my stories, I want to represent those that are often overlooked and underrepresented in media. Everyone deserves to see themselves as the hero of the story.

SA+AH allows me to experiment with my work and push myself further than I thought I could go. As an artist, I’ve come to love working in printmaking, drawing, and painting. As an individual, I strive to grow as much as possible and help others achieve their own goals.

Outside of art, you can find me playing video games, cooking, baking, and reading comic books!  |

Former Ambassador
Laura Haynes
Visual Art Studies + Anthropology

Hi everyone! My name is Laura Haynes and I'm a fourth year Visual Art Studies and Anthropology major from Crystal River, Florida. I have always loved many forms of art, but my recent passions are visual science communication and graphic novel design. I am also interested in the endless possibilities of photography. I make art because it's such a powerful way to tell stories.

Throughout the past few years it feels like I've changed my mind and my path dozens of times, but this journey has shown me that there's no one right way to be an artist. I am so happy to have found a community at UF in the School of Art + Art History where I've met people from all over the world pursuing different themes and media.

Some more about me: I research wildlife in Madagascar, my dream job is to work at the Smithsonian (where I interned Summer 2021), and I love to volunteer. 

Former Ambassador
Arlie Birket
Graphic Design

Howdy, My name is Arlie and I am a fourth year graphic design major from Nashville, TN! I came to UF not knowing anyone and having very limited art knowledge, but the SA+AH community welcomed me with open arms, making me feel right at home. I love being able to be surrounded by amazing fellow artists and faculty who have shaped me into the artist and designer I am today.

When I’m not grinding in the studio, you can catch me curating playlists, experimenting with film photography, or hanging out in coffee shops.

Former Ambassador
Kevin Ward
Graphic Design

Hey guys! My name is Kevin Ward and I am a fourth year Graphic Design major. I’m beyond excited to continue my involvement with the Ambassador program for a third year.

I was lucky enough to come to UF knowing I wanted to study graphic design, having been involved with the arts most of my life. My time here in the SA+AH has shown me what an amazing community it is, and the value that can be found by exploring majors in the arts. I want to be able to use that experience to help ease the worries that some students have when they start at UF, and to help them find their own passions within the arts.

Former Ambassador
Elaina Buffkin

Hi, I’m Elaina!

Like many people, I didn’t exactly know what I wanted to do with myself coming out of high school. I mean, I thought I knew, but I wasn’t truly happy until I came to the School of Art and Art History at UF. I am in love with creating art and the sense of purpose and identity it provides for me. SA+AH was the perfect place to discover this. Being in UF’s SA+AH is not just a college, it’s a community, which is what makes it so easy to thrive as an art student.

I’m now a fourth year working towards my drawing BFA. It took me a couple of semesters to figure out my path- which is still ever-changing- and I know that it can be intimidating being caught in the uncertainty of college. Some things work out, and others don’t, but everything leads to new opportunities. That’s another reason why I’m so excited to be a part of SA+AH; there is a ton of support to guide you through this uncertainty, especially among the students. 

A little more about me: I was born and raised here in Gainesville, Florida. Besides making art, I enjoy spending my time dancing, working with kids, and playing with my cat and dog. I’ve also always loved science. If you are interested in biological illustration, contact me!

Former Ambassador
Hilman Chan
Art Education

Hi! My name is Hilman Chan, and I am currently a fourth year Art Education major at UF. I enjoy the field of art education because it combines two of my favorite things: visual arts and helping the community. I have a huge passion for the arts, and I am excited to share it with others. I used to be nervous about attending a huge campus, but I have met numerous great people and discovered a home among other artists at the SA+AH. UF has allowed me to grow as a person and form wonderful friendships.

The SA+AH has challenged and strengthened my skill set. It has given me opportunities to have more experience in various types of art, such as ceramics and printmaking. I love drawing and creating 2D mixed media pieces, especially figurative work.

Outside of visual arts, I am an avid animal lover, and I also enjoy music and fashion.

Former Ambassador
Aya Kusumoto
Graphic Design + Minor in Business Administration

Hello All! My name is Aya Kusumoto and I am currently a senior (aka old) studying graphic design and pursuing a minor in business administration here at UF. The community that is found in SA+AH is truly unmatched. Students and administration alike are constantly looking to build and push each other to their greatest potential. Being at such a big school like UF, it’s relieving to have so many driven people in your corner. When I first came to UF I was hoping to be a Marketing Major but found my home in the Graphic Design school. There, I have been able to meet some of the most amazing people whom I am happy to call my forever friends.

Aside from graphic design, you can find me playing club volleyball, eating ALL the chips and guac at La Tienda, or working a shift at the Arts and Crafts Center in the Reitz Union.  I am so happy to have spent my college career here in Gainesville and at UF; I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Former Ambassador
Amanda Cuello
Art History + Microbiology & Cell Science

Hello! my name is Amanda Cuello and I am a third year double majoring in Art History and Microbiology & Cell Science on a Pre-Pharmaceutical track. I love laying on the beach with a good book, playing tennis, and watching Netflix with my friends.

Being in the college of Art and Art History has opened so many doors for me globally and within the University of Florida. The summer before my sophomore year I was given the opportunity to study abroad on UF’s global perspective program. During this amazing program I was able to take a class called “Mapping Cultures.” Where we mapped our experiences and thoughts on different types of maps. This experience abroad humbled me and blossomed an amazing relationship with two SAAH faculty: Heidi and Michelle. The bond and connections I made with these faculty were so strong that Heidi invited me to participate in some Art History research she was working on in Guatemala during “semana santa.”

Having seen the impact and important role art has played in my life, a long-term goal of mine would be to place more emphasis on art programs in all schools and to use art for therapeutical expression. I dream that these artistic endeavors inspire and better my community both on a local and global scale.

Former Ambassador
John Walker
Art + Technology

Howdy!! My name’s John and I am a fourth year Art + Technology major. I’m originally from the Tampa Bay area where I attended a medical magnet program in high school. After getting my CNA license, I realized pretty much immediately that healthcare was not my calling lol. So, once I arrived at UF, I decided to study art as I felt that I had a creative mindset but never had opportunities growing up to apply my creativity. It was here at UF that I took my first art class EVER. The WARP foundation class was a great experience for me as its rigorous coursework exposed me to the necessary knowledge and skills to affirm that the arts was something I wanted to pursue.

As an Art + Technology student, I create work across a wide range of mediums including: video, VR, AR, sculpture, digital fabrication, installations, net art, video games, and performance art. Unlike more traditional digital arts programs, the Art + Technology within the SA+AH is more focused on developing artists’ conceptual abilities while the technical developments facilitate bringing those concepts to reality. SA+AH also encourages you to develop your own specific research interests and incorporate those into your projects. My personal research interests typically revolve around theorizing different components of a post-human world while drawing influences from the intersection of contemporary online culture and the IRL.

Former Ambassador
Dani Vargas

Hello there! My name is Dani Vargas, and I’m currently a fourth year Ceramics major at UF. Initially, I was an interior design major but through taking a ceramics studio I realized I had to follow my passion for art. With the help of SA+AH I was able to make the switch with no problems and also add on a Graphic Design Certificate that I am currently finishing. 

I personally use art as an opportunity to express my subconscious thoughts/ideas. I am fascinated by the idea of creating what comes to mind without a set plan or purpose. I usually prefer a natural outcome verses a predetermined one. I aspire to have my art to invoke a unique feeling of not knowing exactly what you’re looking at but being intrigued by it anyways.

As a new ambassador I am excited to become involved in all the great activities the SA+AH community has for us each year. I hope to help and inspire newcomers or those that are thinking of making a switch.

Former Ambassador
Jordan Kriseman
Art History

Hello! I’m Jordan, a rising fourth-year art history major from St. Petersburg, FL. I’m also minoring in Sustainability studies. I love talking about how much I love art (especially modern and contemporary art), the environment, and art in the environment. I also love a good foreign film, veganism, learning different languages, and Irish dance. I can honestly say that the School of Art + Art History has made my experience at UF incredible. Take advantage of all the opportunities they offer, the wonderful resources that are the professors and staff, and the people here. 

Former Ambassador
Catherine Munn
Visual Art Studies

Hello! My name is Catherine and I am double majoring in Visual Art Studies and Psychology. I plan to get my masters in Art therapy, and to use the elements of art and psychology to approach healing and mental wellness. Before grad school, I will be an elementary school teacher for Teach for America in 2020. I hope to learn about the opportunity gap in our education system and what I can do to make a difference as a teacher, art therapist, and active citizen.

 The School of Art + Art History community has shown me that you can do anything you want to with art, and your options are really limitless. I began college with little to no direction, but the support of my friends and the faculty pushed me to take advantage of all the opportunities there are at the SA+AH and UF to explore my values and passions.

Beyond art, my hobbies extend to reading, practicing yoga, and volunteering around Gainesville.

Former Ambassador
Maria Kuran
Art History

Hello everyone! My name is Maria Kuran, and I am a senior Art History major at UF. The art world has truly been a game changer for me. I was born and raised in the country Lebanon, where academic pursuits beyond the scope of mathematics and science have always been frowned upon. Luckily, I had a great support system encouraging me to go after what I was most passionate about, so I did!

I combined my two majors, and hope to continue doing so, in a little blog I started up back in 2014. My goal with this blog was to make art more accessible to those our age, and I also wanted to shed light on the many talented Middle Eastern artists who are not always documented in major media outlets!

An education in the USA was always a dream, especially with a major like Art History that is non-existent in most Lebanese universities. Fun fact: part of the reason why I chose UF was because my parents initially met here before moving back home (I know, cheesy!).

However, as excited as I was, I was obviously terrified at the prospect of moving 6000+ miles away from my family, until I met the SA+AH Ambassadors. They and the rest of the SA+AH community were incredibly welcoming from the very beginning, and I felt right at home within seconds. I knew in that moment that I wanted to become an ambassador as well, so that I may ease the transition for many other prospective students who may be feeling the same way I once did! This place became my home away from home, as I want it to be for you all, too. 

Former Ambassador
Palmer Crippen
Visual Art Studies

Hi! My name is Palmer Crippen and I am a junior double majoring in Visual Art Studies and Plant Science. I’m interested in using plants, plant material, and botany as material for my art. Aside from making art, I like music, movies, biking, botanical gardens, and cooking. The SA+AH community is truly special and I’m excited to represent something that I believe does an amazing job at making everyone feel included. The friends and faculty I have met here have pushed me to become a better artist and given me the confidence to pursue a career path that involves my art practice.

Former Ambassador
Janelys Camelo
Graphic Design

Hi! My name is Janelys Camelo (pronounced like juhnelly’s) and I am a third year graphic design major here at the UF School of Art and Art History. I came to UF planning to follow the Pre-Law track, but my love for and desire to create art led me to explore the art program here and eventually find my home. Being a part of the SA+AH has really helped me find out where I fit in a huge university like UF and has been where I have found myself and all of my best friends. It has taught me to follow my passions and has encouraged me to push the envelope whenever I can. Because of the curriculums, the experience our professors have, the culture of open mindedness and social awareness, and the fact I am able to be 100% myself, we can all thrive and grow into the best and most knowledgeable artists we can be. I am so excited to be an ambassador and I can’t wait to help you transition and find your place here. 

When I am not in the studio, you can find me listening to music, eating chipotle, or napping. I love to shop and thrift, and to discover new bands to listen to. I am a graphic designer at Gatorwell and am very active in our SA+AH graphic design club, VoxGraphis, so all memes aside it’s safe to say graphic design literally is one of my passions. I’m so glad to have found a major I truly love and enjoy studying, and I know you will too! 

Former Ambassador
Tara Berg
Graphic Design

Hello everyone! My name is Tara Berg, and I am a third year graphic design major from Sarasota, FL. In my free time I enjoy playing tennis, running, watching the Bachelor, and hanging out with my two favorite dogs: Bear, my friend’s Golden Retriever, and Rainy, my parents' German Shepherd.

I love the College of the Arts because I found it to be my small and homey abode amongst our expansive school. I hope you find your home here at UF like I found mine. If you’re having trouble adjusting, I can definitely relate to you, so feel free to reach out to me! I have found that the College of the Arts is a super supportive community, and you do not have to enter here knowing exactly what you want to do, or how to do it. There are so many people and organizations willing to help you and I truly believe that there is a place for everyone.

This summer I am a design intern at CNN, and I have learned a lot so far about the news industry, and what kind of design opportunities lie within this field. If you have any questions about this, I can do my best to help you! 

Former Ambassador
Micah Lomel

My name is Micah Lomel, I am a 3rd year Painting Major from Tampa, Florida. After 11 years of study, paint remains my medium of choice. I suppose you could call it my passion! The intelligence, and empowering environment of UF’s program inspires me daily. Since the summer I enrolled here at UF, my work has improved astronomically! I’m truly excited to call myself an ambassador for SA+AH, and humbled to represent my fellow students.

Alongside my Painting degree I’m pursuing an Art History Minor, and a Graphic Design Certificate. Outside of the College of Art and Art History I’m enrolled in the MSM program (Masters in the Science of Management). I took the time needed to research my options before expanding my degree. 

Former Ambassador
Brett Taylor

Hello Everyone! My name is Brett Taylor, and I am a fourth year Bachelor of Fine Arts Student majoring in Drawing in the School of Art + Art History. My work highlights the cross section between art and science incorporating scientific principles into my artistic practice. I employ the scientific background when visually researching areas such as mobility, inclusive space, and internal and external support. Similar to my work, my journey as a student at the University of Florida and within the School of Art + Art History has come with a lot of interdisciplinary exploration including Biology, Sculpture, Art History, and Drawing. As a SA+AH Ambassador, I hope to inspire incoming students to take time for self-exploration and growth, as it is in these moments that individuals find themselves fueling their passion to create and dedication to their artistic endeavors. 

Former Ambassador
Daireen Espinosa
Art History

Hey there! My name is Daireen, and I am a senior Art History major from Miami, FL. I had originally intended to be a Biology major and go the pre-med route, but I had doubts about that even when I first applied to UF. It felt like I was making a decision based on others and not myself. Right before Preview, I took the plunge and changed to Art History because I had become increasingly more interested in the prospect of curating and analyzing art, and I realized that it was such a perfect match for me and my interests. Art has always been a passion of mine, whether I am making it or studying it, and what I love most about SA+AH is how I have been able to meet other like-minded individuals! The community here is so accepting and supportive, and as an Ambassador, I want to continue that and make future SA+AH students feel that they belong here, too. A little more about me: I love my cat, my fish, video games (die-hard World of Warcraft fan), existentialist literature, psychological thrillers, and Netflix, of course. My current favorite Netflix series are Stranger Things and all of the Marvel series. I enjoy learning new languages and experiencing new cultures, and I hope to travel to as many countries as possible in the future. 

Former Ambassador
Quinton Merada

Hi! My name is Quinton Merada, and I am a Bachelor of Fine Arts student majoring in Sculpture through the School of Art and Art History (SA+AH). I am currently in my fifth year at UF as a “super senior,” as my freshman and half my sophomore year was spent as an Electrical Engineering major. My passions include art, music, art therapy and people. I love playing a role in a student's experience here at UF and I can’t wait to meet or help new people while establishing my ambassadorship here at the SA+AH. 

Former Ambassador
Jordyn Goldklank

Hi all!! My name is Jordyn Goldklank, and I am a fourth year drawing major from Long Valley, New Jersey. I began my studies at UF as a graphic design major, however I later made the switch to the drawing program, as I chose to act on my intense passion and curiosity with the hands-on artistic process and investment. In my studio work I often focus on worldly concerns in contemporary events, discoveries, trends, and music. These topics ground my practice, in contrast to my more exploratory art that tends to deal with surrealism in junction with themes of mysticism, the mind, and driving forces of emotion and logic.

Upon entering UF, nothing had ever prepared me for the reality of the distance between myself and New Jersey; except the home that I found through the School of Art and Art History. This university and the arts community prepared me, educated me, interested me, and everyday nourishes my creativity; fostering new passions in a new home. This is the kind of positivity that I hope to see many of you prospective students encounter through the SA+AH, and I’m sure you will! :)

Former Ambassador
Danielle Garcia
Art History

Hi everyone! I'm Danielle, a senior Art History major. My advice is for all prospective students: During your collegiate career, your major, interests, or goals might change, but this does not mean you failed! Oftentimes I feel like I wasted my time trying to double major when I was a freshman, but in retrospect, my experimentation with classes was an integral part in finding out what I truly like and don't like. Things will change. It is important to adapt to these changes, keep an open mind, and keep trying! Your dreams, ambitions, and pursuit of the arts are absolutely valid.

More about me: I was a hybrid curatorial/research intern at the Princeton University Art Museum in 2017, working in the Modern and Contemporary Art and Campus Collections departments. I was also an African Art curatorial intern at the Harn Museum of Art in 2016. I'm currently the Vice President of the Art History Association and a student ambassador for the SA+AH. I love my chirpy cat, reading books, cheesecake, dancing, and beautiful landscapes (in real life and in art).

Former Ambassador
Isabella Guttuso
Creative Photography

Hi there! My name is Isabella, and I’m a fourth year creative photography student in the School of Art and Art History here at UF. My work currently explores the realm of environmental activism, as I am working to synthesize my sustainable lifestyle with my artistic endeavors. I see the arts as an incredibly impactful tool in expressing messages to our community; and thus through serving as an ambassador I wish to truly inspire those joining this field to channel their talent as a fuel to voice their beliefs; which may mean taking the first steps towards a degree in the arts. 

Former Ambassador
Laura North

Hi, my name is Laura North! I'm from SW Ranches in South Florida. I'm a painter completing my final semester for my BFA. Once that is completed I plan on going to graduate school for an MFA. As an ambassador I really look forward to interacting with the extremely inventive student body of the School of Art and Art History. My long term goals are to make and strengthen my own artwork while helping people create no matter the situation they might be in. It's important to me to show others how art can alter their perspective of life. 

Outside of school I spend my time working on personal sketchbooks, being outside on trails, and spending time at local coffee shops or breweries- but really, most nights I'm probably working in the studio or watching The Office. 

Former Ambassador
Taylor Collings
Art History

Hello there, my name is Taylor Collings, and I am currently in my third year at the University of Florida. Up until the fall semester of my second year, I was an Art History major, when I made the switch to the Visual Art Studies major. Making the decision to change my major seemed daunting at first, but since I began the transition, I feel much more sound in my studies and my future. College is a perfect place to really discover what your passions and strengths are, and it is important to be able to accept yourself and the career path that that those skills could lead you to. My advice to prospective students is to choose a major that you are truly excited about, and not let fear of the future or other people’s opinions deter you from pursuing what you love.

I have always been passionate about art, and I love to explore new inventive ways to visually communicate my ideas. I have recently been greatly impacted by political and social conditions in America, and that has served to influence my work in painting and drawing. I have also been enjoying working in clay, and experimenting the different ideas that can be communicated three-dimensionally.

Outside of school and art, I love to see live music, spend time with friends, explore nature, and work part-time at a local restaurant.

Former Ambassador
Leda Balch
Creative Photography

Leda is a Senior Photography major at the College of the Arts. Her work is often multimedia based with an interest in time and performance in lens-based media. She combines traditional image making techniques such as 35mm and large format film photography with a new media approach that bridges the gap between the digital and the darkroom. As an A+AH Ambassador she hopes to encourage those interested in the photographic arts to explore the incredible resources available at UF's College of the Arts. 

Former Ambassador
Jenna Canals
Art History

Hi! My name is Jennifer, but I usually go by Jenna. I’m a fourth year Art History student and could not be happier. I’ve really found a home here at University of Florida through the School of Art and Art History.  As a student in the Art History program, much of our curriculum relies on the ability to analyze and discuss works of art, with relevance to their place in history and their reflection of a period’s thoughts, behaviors, and politics. We are also able to open dialogues which address current social and political issues. Connecting with my peers and professors has allowed me to grow in my field and expand my relationship with art. As an ambassador, I hope to nurture this sense of community amongst fellow SA+AH students and faculty especially because the close-knit nature of the SA+AH has largely affected my success at UF.

The advice and mentorship provided to me from professors, students, and friends alike has helped me grow in so many ways, making me extremely passionate about fostering and facilitating these types of connections in the school.

When I’m not in the classroom, I’m usually in the kitchen, playing some jazzy dinner music and cooking up something good.

Former Ambassador
Jenna Bray
Graphic Design

Hey friends! My name is Jenna Bray, & I’m currently a fourth-year Graphic Design major here at the SA+AH. UF is a big school & entering a new environment can be really intimidating; that’s why I am so excited & humbled to be apart of the ambassador team to help students navigate their way during such a crucial transition period. I honestly just really love people & am so eager to form even more friendships within the College of the Arts. During my time here, I have found it to be overwhelmingly evident that my professors and peers are some of the most kind, genuine, and intelligent people I have ever met. At the beginning of my freshman year, I didn’t even know what the Adobe Creative Suite was, but with the help of my patient teachers, inspiring classmates, and some good ol’ intrinsic motivation, I have learned my way around the design realm. I am now a graphic designer at The Agency at UF (a super awesome opportunity that you should talk to me about if you’re interested). So, I am living proof that it’s okay to enter the SA+AH and have no idea what you’re getting yourself into; it’ll all work out in the most awesome of ways. 

Former Ambassador
Jade Di Marco

Hi! My name is Jade Di Marco and I am a fourth year drawing major here at the SA+AH. I love multitudes of art but primarily drawing, painting, and sculpture. Beside my artistic tendencies, I can tell you I’m a really hard worker and I love being productive and efficient. I currently have two art related jobs to support myself through school, and I’ve interned for an entertainment company in New York City. When I graduate from the University I plan to move up to New York to become a more seasoned artist and gain some experience before I work on making my own store. This is my second year in the Ambassador program and I’m sure we have many exciting things ahead of us. One thing I’m really big on is community, I think it’s so important to support one another and the locals. 

Former Ambassador
Ines Cochrane

Hi, I am Inés Cochrane and I am a senior getting my BFA in painting, and hopefully soon, in sculpture as well. I am very passionate about all types of art, and love learning new mediums and techniques. The art department at UF has brought me great joy this past couple years and I would love to share that with all current and incoming students as an ambassador.

Outside of the arts, I am a very active person and I am very passionate about nature and animal conservation. I am making my major international and doing the pre-Peace Corps program in hopes of joining the Peace Corps once I finish my BFA. My dream is to travel the world and experience every culture while working on my art and helping people and animals in need.

Former Ambassador
Gaby Hidalgo
Visual Art Studies Alumna

Hi everyone! My name is Gabriela Hidalgo, but I go by Gaby. I recently graduated from UF with a degree in Visual Art Studies and Biology. I will be pursuing a Masters in Medical Sciences here at UF in the hopes of going to medical school, however art is and always will be one of my greatest passions. Being able to grow in the two disciplines that I love has been absolutely incredible and I am grateful to continue to do so. I am a firm believer that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

Outside of school I volunteer at UF Health Children's Hospital and enjoy spending time outside, going to the lakes and springs, traveling, painting, listening to music, and getting ice cream or pizza with friends.

I have been an SA+AH Ambassador since my sophomore year and I am thrilled to continue being a part of the SA+AH community. I truly enjoy meeting prospective students, sharing my experiences, and helping others. I'm glad that I can continue on as an Ambassador and  play a role in the growth of the SA+AH community!  :)

Former Ambassador
Hayley Suraci
Art History

Hello! I’m Hayley, and I am a fourth-year Art History major. One of the highlights of my experience thus far at UF has been changing my major to Art History. I did so my first semester here, and I have never looked back. The School of Art + Art History has made me see the world in a completely different way because it has provided me with so many opportunities and has pushed me to do things I didn’t think I was capable of (i.e. life-sized portrait bust made of clay). It has connected me with so many of my peers and professors in ways I couldn’t imagine. This all may sound a little cheesy and a little carried away, but it is the honest truth. I have found love in studio art and I have discovered the crossover of the arts and health. I am currently in the Arts in Medicine certificate program as well as working toward a possible minor in studio art. I want to help people realize how important art is: in history, in present day, in medicine, as an outlet, and ultimately as a voice.

I am so excited to be an Ambassador, and I hope to help YOU find your place here at UF and in general.  I hope to assist you in finding clubs, classes, activities, etc. that you can fall in love with just as I have. I want to be the friend and mentor previous ambassadors were for me for you! Be excited and open to all the possibilities here you will not regret it.

Outside of the arts, you can find me playing water polo, dancing in my apartment, finding new things to try, and asking people if I can pet their dogs. 

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