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Commencement Deadlines (Subject to Change)

We suggest that your guests make hotel reservations as early as possible. Most local hotels are fully booked within a month or two prior to commencement. You will find some helpful Gainesville lodging information at:

January 28, 2011:

Deadline to apply for degree. If you missed this deadline, information on how to apply late can be found at:

March 1, 2011:

Deadline for College of Fine Arts graduates to RSVP online if you plan to participate in commencement. Graduating students MUST RSVP in order to have a guaranteed seat at the ceremony and to receive the four allotted guest tickets.

March 5, 2011:

Deadline to order regalia from UF bookstore.
If you have any questions concerning ordering a cap & gown, please contact the UF Bookstore at (352) 392-0194.

March 30 - April 2:

Pick up your commencement tickets at your Schools office (Driver's License or Gator 1 ID Card required).

April 13 - 23:

Pick up regalia at UF bookstore (Gator 1 ID Card required).

April 30, 2011:

CFA commencement is at 1:00 pm in the University Auditorium. Graduating students should arrive at the School of Music in their regalia no later than 12:00 pm. Doors to the University Auditorium will open at 12:00 pm. The ceremony is approximately 2 hours long (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm).

May 3, 2011:

Deadline to return regalia to UF bookstore by 5pm.

Mid-Late July:

Diplomas will be mailed to your permanent home address by the Office of the University Registrar. Please be sure to update your permanent home address in the Gatordex system (instructions found here: before you leave Gainesville to ensure receipt of your diploma!


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