In the Loop
Alumni News : Oct 9, 2018

Minister of Marketing Magic

From Gator Growl to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, art alumna Alice Norsworthy connects audiences with magical experiences

By Barbara Drake (MFA Creative Writing '14) / UF Advancement

"Wingardium Leviosa.”

With a flick of the wand and those bewitching words, young wizards at Hogwarts School make objects fly in the air. But if you thought the levitating magic of Harry Potter only happened in books and movies, think again.

Since Universal Orlando launched the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in 2010, attendance at its twin theme parks has soared to record-breaking heights.

And leading the marketing wizards who entice all those visitors is creative powerhouse Alice Norsworthy (BFA Art ’81).

As executive vice president and chief marketing officer for Universal Parks & Resorts, this proud Gator alum wins accolades for her team-centered leadership style and her uncanny ability to tap into the dreams and desires of potential guests.

“The strength and beauty of Alice’s leadership is her ability to figure out the essence of what makes J.K Rowling’s universe so compelling and to translate that, in marketing campaigns, so people respond, “I have to be part of that!’” says Bill Davis, president and chief operating officer of Universal Orlando.

Davis also commends Norsworthy for creating strong emotional connections between audiences and the resort’s other offerings.

“Her skill at communicating all our experiences here at Universal Orlando, from our attractions to restaurants, is phenomenal,” says Davis. “She is the marketer who’s been key to our success.”

Read the full story here.