In the Loop

Innovation Square "One Tree, One Planet" Illumination

  • Date & Time
    • Friday, November 17, 2017 6:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    Join us for a special event as artist Naziha Mestaoui unveils Live Oak Tree of Life, her light projection of the Tree of Life displayed on live trees in Innovation Square, located at the northeast corner of SW 9th Street and SW 4th Avenue.

    The event will feature live music and brief comments by Mayor Lauren Poe, UF Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Charles Lane, Mestaoui, plant biologists Doug Soltis and Pam Soltis and Dean of the College of the Arts Lucinda Lavelli.

    The event is free and open to the public.

    Parking is available in the gated parking lot in southeast quadrant of Innovation Square accessible from SW 4th Avenue.

  • Links
  • Venue
    Innovation Square
    Florida 32601