CFA Faculty Biography

Robert Mueller
School of Art + Art History
Associate Professor
Specialization: Printmaking

T: (352) 273-3082
F: (352) 392-8453

P.O. Box 115801
Gainesville, Fl 32611-5801

My most recent research centers on my experiences backpacking through remote regions of Iceland. The physical, mental and emotional exertions encountered by walking over this terrain enables my imagination to expand outward as well as inward. The landscape becomes a series of events mapping out a corresponding structure to my inner self. My recent work refers to my physical and emotional priorities and combines painting with objects found and used during my sojourn in Iceland.

Robert Mueller‘s expertise is in lithography, intaglio and collaborative printmaking. He is technical director of the Alagarto Press, an international visiting artist print project at the University of Florida, Gainesville. The project is a graduate assisted collaborative endeavor with internationally renowned artists. Mueller was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to travel to Iceland in the summer of 1997 where he conducted visual research.

On the web:

Art Education Online


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