Include the degree and your area of emphasis. If you are receiving multiple degrees, include all that you want to celebrate.

Provide a short description or quote about you or your work. This could be commentary on the process of making, a formal art label, a quote about the piece, or anything you'd like to include.

You can upload:

File size limit: 50 megabytes
File formats accepted: pdf doc docx xls xlsx gif jpg jpeg png mpeg mpg avi wmv mov mp4 flv heic wav aiff mp3 aac

If your file is too large (which might be the case for longer videos, we recommend sending us a link.)

You are welcome to share a link to your personal website or online portfolio to include on the website.

Check the box if you would be interested in being contacted in the future about being featured as a student/alumni profile on our website.

I agree that my work submitted here may be published on the UF College of the Arts website.